WORTH - "The Mark of Dependability"

4 Post Lifts

12000 - 18000 - 25000 - 30000
Single-Point Safety Release is standard on all Worth 4-post lifts. This is a very convenient feature to keep technicians from having to
walk to each post to release the safeties.
Automatic Back-Up Safeties are standard on all Worth 4-post
lifts.They are located in each post and automatically engage at any
height for added protection.
Heavy I-Beam Runways are standard on all 4-post lifts, and on 12000 and 18000 models they are available in 14” or 22” wide.


Additional Features:

* “All Chain” design (No cables to adjust or replace).
* BOTH runways are completely adjustable to
accommodate narrow vehicles as well as wider
* Lifts are powered strictly by electrical hydraulic
power. (No air is needed to operate the lift).

For 12000-18000:
Additional Options:

* “Space Saver” Model For
Extra Narrow Bays
* 50 HZ Motor
* Drive-Thru Runways
* 22” Wide Runways
* Jack Rails
* Rolling Bridge(for use with
bottle jacks)
* Alignment Model

For 25000-30000:
Additional Options:

* Custom Wheelbase up to 30’
* 50 HZ Motor
* Drive-Thru Runways
* Custom Widths
* Rolling Bridge(for use with
bottle jacks)
* Alignment Model

26 Gallon Oil Drain Pan is
optional on all 4-post lifts. It is ideal
for performing all types of fluid
services including transmission, oil,
differential or cooling systems.
Rolling Air Jacking Beams are
available in 5000, 8000, 15000,
and 20000lb. capacities and are
ideal for tire rotations, and brake
3HP Power Units are standard on
all Worth 4-post lifts. They are
available in Single or Three Phase

Lift Specifications

Alignment Lift Specifications

* Note*
* The Models 12000AX and 18000AX have 2 turntable cutouts and 1 set of filler plates
* The Models 25000A and 30000A do not contain rear slip plates. They have turntable cutouts and single position leveling only.


Worth N.A., LLC
P.O. Box 597  -  Mansfield, Texas 76063
Toll Free 800 433-7016  -  Local 817 473-7266   -  Fax 817 473-1599 
email sales@worthequipment.com
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